For me, there is no greater pleasure than that of telling a story through my paintings. Getting lost in the outdoors, dreaming up stories and places while watching the clouds pass by, and perhaps picking up random odds and ends that find their way onto a piece of artwork is a day well spent.
I was born in Michigan, where I first learned to love art by being surrounded by my father’s varied paintings and my mother’s musical talents. After graduating from Eastern Michigan University with a BFA, I ran a successful graphic design business for many years. I now live and work in Seattle, Washington where I draw inspiration from the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, and am lucky enough to spend many happy hours a day in my home studio. I currently show my work whenever possible and will happily answer any questions regarding my current body of work or create a piece tailored especially for you.
I work mainly in acrylics, creating whimsical worlds with texture and many layers of color. My personal artwork reflects the wonder that is found in the everyday, taking the viewer on an inner journey of imagining.
When working on a custom piece for a client, be it a life story, special event or personal journey theme, I strive to learn all I can about their story so that every time they see their painting it immediately evokes the emotion they have for that period in their life. It’s super rewarding to put the pieces of someone’s story together on canvas and experience them “feeling” it for the first time once the painting is complete.
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer